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St Patrick's Episcopal Church


You Can Help

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You Can Help

Posted by: Admin on Thu, Aug 13, 2015

You Can HELP



The nonprofit, Family Service Agency is located at 114 East 9th Street, Panama City, 32401.  They list needs and services weekly.  All donations are tax-deductible and can be delivered to their office only during office hours of Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm (we are closed on Fridays).  For more information please call 785-1721.

AUGUST 16, 2015

FOOD PANTRY:  Our shelves are getting bare in many of the things we use regularly when building our food boxes and homeless backpacks.  Items currently needed are:  Jam/Jelly, Pudding (boxed & individual), individual-size cereal, and packet-sized grits.  Canned foods:  Tomatoes, Raviolis, Potatoes (white or sweet), salmon, mackerel, sardines, chili, beef stew, chicken & dumplings, hash, and fruit.

Our homeless veteran project is nearly complete but we still need:  Chapstick, Toothpaste, Men’s Aftershave/Cologne, plastic soap containers, and Backpacks (new or gently-used). We also need ballcap-type hats. 

SCHOOL UNIFORMS:  School starts on Tuesday and we are in need of boys and girls school uniform polo shirts in white (all sizes) to fill our last few orders. This will help us help the families with school-aged children meet the dress codes of their schools.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEEDED:  School starts on Tuesday and we are still putting together our last few orders for school supplies in an effort to help parents who struggle with these costs.  Items needed desperately right now are:  Wide-Ruled Loose-Leaf Notebook Paper, Color Pencils, #2 Pencils, Highlighter Markers, and Flash Drives – which are now being required by the schools.

ADULT INCONTINENCE SUPPLIES:  Needed items right now are Large and Extra-Large Pullup-type adult diapers and disposable bedpads.

PERSONAL HYGEINE:  Children’s Toothpaste and Children’s Toothbrushes are needed.

CLEANING SUPPLIES AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS:  We are in need of Windex, Dish-Drainers and Drink Pitchers.

SMALL INK CARTRIDGES:  Family Service Agency recycles the small ink cartridges that you use in personal printers so please drop them off at the agency.  (Sorry we cannot use the toner type cartridges.)

CELL PHONES:  Family Service Agency recycles cell phones.  If you have some please drop them by the agency don’t throw them out as they are worth money for the agency.

ALUMINUM DRINK CANS & DRINK CAN TABS:  We are collecting aluminum drink cans to be recycled.  Please do not throw away those cans; just drop them off at our agency and we will recycle them to help pay utility bills, rent, mortgages, buy fresh fruits, meats and cheese.  We also send the drink tabs to Ronald McDonald House so parents have a place to stay while visiting a sick child in the hospital.

COUPONS:  Many of us get coupons in the newspaper and magazines and don’t use that coupon but we have many people who come in and go through our basket of coupons and get what they need to help stretch their food budgets.  Please drop off your unwanted manufacturer coupons to our office.

United Way of Northwest Florida makes such a difference in so many lives and supports many organizations, such as Family Service Agency.  We ask you to take the time to find out all it does in Bay, and surrounding Counties.  When asked to make a donation pl

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