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St Patrick's Episcopal Church


A new beginning

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A new beginning

Posted by: Admin on Sat, May 29, 2021

On Easter Sunday of 2021, we met for the first time in nearly a year, in the church, together, once again.  We wore masks, we had no music to speak of, but we were together.  We are ready for the next chapter of St Patrick's, Panama City.  We have made some changes - our worship time is now 11:00 a.m..  We are now able to sing once again and for those who are fully vaccinated, masks are optional.  Being together, reading the liturgy of Morning Prayer, celebrating the Holy Eucharist....the feeling of community is once again with us.  Praise the Lord!

June 6, we will be having potluck after the service.  The simple act of sharing a meal seems incredible after this year of being apart, not sharing food. 

Please come, break bread, eat in community with us! 

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